Monday, March 1, 2010

25 Random Things about Donna

In the Know About Donna

Today is the day! Roy flies in at 3:30 and I cannot wait. I hope your Monday is off to a good start. I thought I would add this song to the blog because it's Caroline's new fave. When we get into the car she wants me to put it on each time. It's a good start to the week kind of song!

I have seen lists of "100 things people don't know about me" on many blogs lately. Cute idea, but 100 things is a lot to read! I thought I would change it up a bit, so without further ado, I give you:

25 Random Things About Donna Graham

1. When JFK Jr. got married, I was in highschool. The day the news about his weddingbroke, I happened to be home sick. When my mom showed me the paper, I got even more sick. I was devastated.

2. I also had a major crush on Matt Lauer when I was in high school. Come on, he's sexy!

3. I have a major overbite that keeps getting worse the older I get. Braces 2 times and many retainers didn't help! I clench my teeth really hard at night and I grind them sometimes, too. I know I'll have major dental work done to my mouth by the time I reach 60.

4. I talk too fast. I always have and I hate it.

5. I HATE my handwriting. It looks like the writing of an old lady. I write too hard because my hand is always cramping when I write thank you notes or lists.

6. Although I'm not a good singer, I know loads of songs and words to random commercials. I love Broadway show tunes and I think I know just about every Frank Sinatra song out there. I think I could seriously win "Name That Tune".

7. I literally get the shakes when I find a good deal. If I save tons of money or find something on clearance on top of having a coupon, I leave the store with the shakes. It's like I'm high on something.

8. I'm a great secret keeper. People have told me secrets in the past that would give me good ammunition for blackmail, but being the good friend and that I am, I haven't done so.

9. I wish I would have kept up my piano lessons. My parents FORCED my sisters and me to take classical piano lessons growing up, which we hated. I thought I'd never regret quitting and I swore I would NEVER make my kids take Suzuki Piano Lessons. Guess what? I regret quitting and I will enroll Caroline in Suzuki hopefully next Spring.

10. I love to organize things. Give me a messy closet, a junk drawer or a cluttered refrigerator and I will organize it for you. Hey, I'll even alphebatize it.

11. My first kiss was Roy.

12. When I get in an awkward environment where I don't feel 100% comfortable I will play with my right earring and I'll take the back of the earring off and on while I talk.

13. I love Andre Rieu! He's a violinist that my Mom discovered through an eccentric lady in Lynchburg. We all made fun of her for liking him so much, but now we all love him, have all of his CDs and can hum along to all of his pieces! Caroline loves him, too, and asks to watch "Andre" DVD's sometimes. My parents even took me and Roy to one of his concerts last year and we loved it!

14. When the ultrasound technician told us we were having a boy, it honestly took me about two days to get over the fact that I wasn't having another girl. Now, I can't imagine life without sweet RoyBoy. I am so thankful and so in love.

15. I'm awful about picking out candy bars and drinks. This stems from when I was little and it still carries out today. If we stop on a trip at a gas station and I go pick out a drink or a candy bar, I can't make up my mind! I will stand in front of the display for minutes and go back and forth....Skor bar, Heath bar...Twix...Diet Coke...Water bottle....Green Tea? Oooo! It's just too much! When I was little, my dad used to count to 10 for me to make a decision and now Roy just rolls his eyes and laughs.

16. I love to cook and bake and I would love to take a professional cooking class one day. Not a one day kind of class but a serious course in cooking.

17. I wish I would have paid attention in French class and really learned the language. Granted, the French teachers my school hired were terrible, but still I wish I would have learned more. I would love to speak a second language fluently.

18. I love to work out in the yard and do things around the house with Roy. Something about working together on our biggest assett makes me happy. We work well together.

19. I hate going to the dentist. I would rather go to the gynocologist any day over the dentist.

20. I have a really good memory. I'm great at remembering details and I'm really good at remembering dates of events.

21. I think Elisabeth Hasselbeck and I could be good friends if given the chance.

22. I love having babies in the hospital. I love getting waited on by people who specialize in bedside manners, nurses bringing my baby to me when I want, new pajamas to wear, people visiting, take-out from any restaurant I want, flowers arriving. I just really enjoy my three day stay at CMC! But I'm ready to go home by the third day. I think I might just have to do it one more time.

23. I'll admit, I'm a picker. At night after I wash my face, I go in for a close up in the mirror and look for possible zits and/or blackheads. Gross, I know, but other girls do it too:) Roy just sits in bed watching me because he's used to's a nightly ritual. I was doing it the other night as Caroline brushed her teeth and she didn't like it.

24. I have my broker's license. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. Roy and I took a real estate class together for the learning. So I have endured 1 semester of real estate school, the absolute nightmare of taking the state board exam (SO hard) and 12 hours of a broker course. My license is inactive, but non the less, I am a NC BROKER!

25. Every Monday at our house is "Clean Sheet Monday". When I get out of bed I strip our bed and that night we climb into some fresh, clean smelling sheets. I am carrying on this tradition from my Mom. I love CSM!

So there you have it! 25 Random facts about me. If you have a blog please do this, too! It take s a little while to think of 25 things, but just save it and come back to it until it's completed. It took me a few days. I can't imagine thinking of 100. My friend, Nikki, just started a blog this past weekend. Nikki, this would be a great way for you to introduce yourself to the blogger world!!!

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